High End Design Book - Now a Bargain!

When Inspired Styles came out in 2007 I wanted to buy it so badly but the $60 price tag always had be putting it back on the shelf and choosing another one in the $30 - $40 range.  Well, last month I thought about it again and was thrilled to find used copies on Amazon starting at 15.99!  

Inspired Styles features the work of 15 top-notch designers with large, luscious photography and pages devoted (like the book cover shot) to places and objects that inspire their work.  The designs are classic and 7 years after its publication date, I'm happy to finally add it to my collection.  Here's just a few images from the book:

Suzanne Rheinstein

Alexa Hampton

Eric Cohler

And, speaking of Eric Cohler, I thumbed through a friend's copy of Cohler on Design the other day and I'm adding it to my must-get-soon list.    So, any design books currently on your list or any book bargains you've found lately?  Hope you have a great weekend!  Michele 

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