One Room Challenge Now: the herringbone insert

When I signed off from this past fall's One Room Challenge  library/dining room, it was with the herringbone insert I had planned not quite finished, laying on the floor.  Well, it's finally in!  (Again, thanks to Linda because I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be if it wasn't for the ORC Now follow-up) Notice all the little triangle bits of wood on the right?  There's a way to avoid that and it has to do with better planning the size of your wood pieces in relationship to the opening but that's one of those "When I do it next time…"  Which of course, in this case, there won't be a next time.   Anyway, you'll also notice I've added in two green and white chinoiserie ginger jars and elevated one of the moss balls.

Right now the insert is  raw wood and I've been on the fence about giving it a light weathered gray wood stain.  So I would love it if you'd leave a comment - Stain or No Stain.

As a reminder here's the before picture.  

Update on  THE FLOORS

If you remember from last time, I really fretted about having painted my floors white.  Well, now I LOVE them.  I think it has to do with a few other changes I've made to the room.  As soon as I have those ready for prime-time, I'll put up a post.

Now, be sure to head over to the One Room Challenge Now where I'm betting you're going to find a lot of great updates.  I mean, have you ever met a blogger that doesn't keep changing things?

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