LA Design Shopping - first stop

First stop - a cluster of wonderful stores on N. Almont Drive - Nathan Turner, Hollywood at Home and Harbinger. The stores are in an idyllic, enclosed garden setting with pea gravel. Love the blue dutch door!
Harbinger is the store of Joe Lucas and Parrish Chilcoat, partners in Lucas Studio, Inc. Joe and Parrish met while working at the design firm of Michael S. Smith. My sister and I had a chance to meet this talented designer as she was just back from maternity leave. Parrish and Rachel had both recently had second babies so we enjoyed a nice conversation. Thank you Parrish for letting me browse around and take pictures.
I was taken with this mini oval painting of a ship.

Hand painted pillow - at least I think it is. Some greens below - a lovely plate and card resting upon an issue of Veranda.

You so often see these round mirrors in dark woods. I rather like it finished in this soft white.

A large antique Norwegian half hull of a ship resting on a console table. Not sure my photos did justice to the store so below are two more images from their site.

Open the door to Hollywood at Home and you're greeted by this fun patterned wallpaper and Elizabeth Taylor (I think) at the top of the stairs.

Rope railing - inventive and definitely something with DIY potential.

A vine covered balcony with a chaise lounge - and look, a stack of magazines - the perfect spot for bloggers & blog readers!

In the courtyard there were a number of interesting pieces. A clam shell serves as a container for succulents. Loved this rusted piece below. Makes you wonder what would happen if you built your own design out of an Erector Set and left it outside to rust. mmm....

Next stop coming up - Woodson & Rummerfield's, Inner Garden and Velvet & Linen. Also I want to send out a huge thank you to Christian of Maison 21, who on very short notice sent me a listing of terrific stores. Thank you!!
Time to stop blogging for the day - it's my 21 st Wedding Anniversary. Happy Anniversary Dan. He's so sweet - he even left me a comment on the blog!

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