Thank you Washingtonian magazine & a great furniture find

Thank you to Emily Leaman of Washingtonian magazine for featuring my blog this week on Blogger Beat. It was great fun! Emily asked me some interesting questions and you can check out my answers here.

My favorite question was "What are three landlord friendly ways to decorate an apartment?" I gave my suggestions but the question brought back some memories & some "don'ts" when you're renting - back in 1987 in our Cambridge, MA rental apartment my husband and I sanded and refinished the floors and tiled the kitchen backsplash! Let's just say landlords don't always appreciate "improvements"
In the interview I also mentioned Random Harvest as one of my favorite local design stores. Interestingly enough today I ran across this Craigslist ad for a Random Harvest settee for $625. The ad notes it was purchased for $1,100.
I've seen this settee in the store and it's a very nice piece.

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