Lost London Photos

Five years ago my husband and I spent a week in London but most of the photos from that trip were lost somewhere in the cyberspace of my hard drive. I just found them today!

If only I had known then I would be blogging I would have taken so many more photos of the interior of the Blakes Hotel where we stayed in Kensington. Designed by Anouska Hempel, every room makes a statement.

Here is a picture of the room we were in the last two nights. I believe it probably has the requisite 10 pillows Barclay Butera would advocate for.

Upon seeking permission from my husband to post the picture below, he said, "I remember that. It was my private frou frou hell!" I completely disagree. However, you might notice how his legs are hanging over the end of the bed so as not to disturb the pillows!

There's a photo of the room we stayed in during the first part of the vacation further down in the post.

The t.v. was housed behind a red silk curtain that you lifted up for viewing. This completely perplexed Dan - "And why is this necessary?" he said.
Here is another photo of the room. If I had known anything about blogging then I would have promptly rolled that portable A/C unit out before I took the picture. It's a white eyesore.

The courtyard

The white door at the end of the courtyard leads to the 007 suite. At the time we stayed there (July 2003) the hotel was popular with musicians and actors.

A street nearby. Below - a photo of Kensington Gardens I think?

Here are some more pics from the hotel's site. Click here to view a slide show of more of the rooms.
Above is the room we stayed in during the first part of the vacation. Love the floors.

So tailored and crisp.

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