Last Night at Domino Mag. Event

Last night was great fun at the D.C. Mitchell + Gold showroom, the hosts of a book party for "Domino: The Book of Decorating." Dara Caponigro was on hand to sign books and I was lucky enough to be one of the first 50 to receive a free book. The Mitchell + Gold showroom put on a wonderful party, the food was quite good and the flowers lovely.
However, the best part though was meeting fellow bloggers and DC Designers. In addition, I met Bonnie, a reader of my blog who was a delight to talk to. Erika of Urban Grace recently posted about her work with Bonnie on her bathroom. Gorgeous!

Here I am with Stefan of Architect Design and Bob of Homers Odd Isn't He. Thank you for the wonderful conversation - it was terrific to meet you in person! They both look great in this photo. I have a weak ego when it comes to photos so this is a bit hard for me to post a photo of myself. Oh, well...
Also at the event was Jennifer of Washington Spaces , Loda Designs and D.C. designers Annette Hannon, Shannon Munn of Ambi Design Studio, and Anne Hardock, Gretchen Ginnerty and Nancy Schatz of Dwellings by Design.

Love this chair. Isn't the panelling on this wall terrific?

Yes, this photo is from the Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams showroom bathroom. You've probably have heard of this idea - but love the tall vase filled with TP and of course this wonderful spool table. It's on sale for $199, if I remember correctly.
Again, thanks to Domino Magazine and Mitchell + Gold for a fun night out!

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