A Beautiful Chair and 1/2 way projects...

Isn't this chair beautiful! It's from Skona Hem via Decorology. I love everything about it.

And, now moving on to some not-so-beautiful things; some 1/2 way projects of mine that I'm currently working on. I'm recovering my dining room chair seats. Out with the orange striped fabric I once loved (and only paid $3 a yard for) and in with the new...hope to post about it next weekend.

Guess I need to sweep and caulk the baseboard while I'm at it.

The bureau in my entry that I'm changing from worn 60's yellow to green. Sad, but the truth is I started the first coat November 2007. Also hope to post about the completed version soon. You see I'm going with the "expose yourself so you stop procrastinating" method.

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