Tribute to Cobi Ladner and small giveaway

Canadian House and Home is my all time favorite design magazine. I've been an avid fan since my first issue - May 2001. If I was somehow forced to choose only one magazine a month - this is the one I would select. Fittingly enough, it was the subject of my second post on this blog.

To me Cobi Ladner, the editor, is synonomous with the magazine. Each month I look forward to her Editor's Page. Like Dominque Browning, she has the ability to form a relationship with her readers and is willing to share both her insights about the meaning of design and on its connection to daily life. She is funny, witty and open and always willing to write about her mistakes as well as successes. For example, one year we saw the results of her kitchen rennovation and a few years later she shared the skylight addition that corrected the ceilings that turned out to be too oppressively low. One month I was thrilled to see my Letter to the Editor printed in the magazine and another month I confirmed to my husband that I was a "design magazine nut" when I shouted out, "Hey, Cobi Ladner is wearing the same sweater I have!"

This month Cobi announced that she is leaving Canadian House and Home. Her father passed away this year and she quoted him in her farewell, "You don't follow your dreams, you live them." I will greatly miss her letters and her influence on this magazine. Here is one of my favorite comments from her March 2006 Editor's page, "How does that saying go? Something about how life isn't a journey to the grave filled with intentions of arriving safely and looking perfect, but instead about skidding in broadside, totally worn out and loudly proclaiming, "Wow, what a ride!" Cobi - thanks for the ride and best wishes for your future endeavors. Brava, Brava, Bravissima!

image from House and Home January 2008 Trends issue

Image from House and Home Sep 2008 via Apartment Therapy, photography by Michael Craydon
Image from House and Home July 2008 via Apartment Therapy, photography by Virginia Macdonald

(Images below are a small assortment of pics that I took of a few magazine pages - the quality does not do them justice. I had to set a limit otherwise I could have been doing this for hours! You can subscribe to this terrific magazine here.)

Canadian House and Home Oct. 2008, interior designer Melody Duron, ColeDuron, photography by Michael Graydon.

Canadian House and Home Sep. 2002, interior designer Christopher Wood, photography by Luis Albuquerque

image from House and Home March 2006, designer Andrew Fee, photography by Ted Yarwood

Canadian House and Home Oct. 2008, interior designer Lisa Rogers, photography by Michael Graydon

Canadian House and Home, March 2006, interior designer Michael Angus, photography by Ted Yarwood

Canadian House and Home, October 2008, designer Julie Charbonneau, photography by Stacey Brandford

image from House and Home October 2008, Architect Bill Mockler, photography by Ted Yarwood

Canadian House and Home June 2008, architect Sharon McKenzie, interior designer Lena Patten of Hilltop Interiors, photography by Virginia Macdonald

SMALL GIVEAWAY - this is an unopened copy of the September 2008 issue. My husband brought one home from Canada before this one arrived. It is a small giveaway but I assure you it will provide at least 2 hours of design enjoyment! Leave a comment OR email me at mynottinghill (at) before Thursday September 25th. I will draw the name of one winner and mail them this copy of House and Home.

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