Part 1: Tea with 2 Oscar Winners

Well, not exactly with, but right next to. A few minutes after my daughter and I were seated for tea at The Plaza, I happened to look up and make eye contact with Marcia Gay Harden as she was settling in at the very next table. A half-hour later I realized she was talking with Ellen Burnstyn! Our special trip to NYC was made even more unique. I took a number of pictures of Julia enjoying her Eloise tea, a few of which include Ms. Harden in the background.
(The Plaza provides stationary to write a letter to Eloise - a "reply" will be coming in the mail. Julia was thrilled. I highly recommend this tea. Worth every cent - even if there's no Oscar winners in sight.)
As they left, Marcia Gay Harden stopped at our table and let me know that Julia's Kips Bay bag had slipped far underneath her chair and didn't want us to forget it - very nice. After thanking her, I mentioned that the two of us loved her in the Felicity American Girl movie. A brief conversation followed. My impression - a gracious person who is also an immensely talented actress. There wasn't one bit of "celebrity air" about her. (therefore I just couldn't see posting any of the pics with her in it.)

Part 2: Impressions of Kips Bay

Loved this display in Ceta Ruddy's room. (image below via House Beautiful)

My favorite room - Steven Miller Siegel Architects

image above via Habitually Chic - Images below via Stephen Miller Siegel Architects

Loved Sara Bengur's warm vibed kitchen. The photos I've seen of it don't do justice to the depth and interest in the paint treatment. (image via House Beautiful)

The image below is from Sara Bengur's website. Love this.

Sara Story's hallway - this light fixture was just fabulous.

image via House Beautiful

About the infamous Pineapple Bed... I would have to say it is better in person than in a picture. Although I wasn't thrilled by it, my 9 year old daughter loved-loved the whole room. Here's a blurry shot from the bureau in the room - which was full of Enid Collins of Texas vintage purses.

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