Faulkner Rules

A recent visit to Ferret & Hound brought me to Rural Intelligence, an online magazine created by Marilyn Bethany (former home design editor of The New York Times Magazine and writer for Vogue, Town & Country, Elle Décor, and Architectural Digest) and Dan Shaw (former features editor of House & Garden, as well as deputy editor of HomeStyle and O at Home magazines) They featured an article on Frank Faulkner, an artist/designer who has been renovating and restoring homes, recently purchasing his 15th home in Hudson, NY. The article said it best, "So to preserve #14 for posterity, we asked Faulkner to reduce what he’s done there to a list of rules, one for each house in Hudson he’s loved and left--the Faulkner 14." Whether you agree with each rule, you have to respect the willingness to share such a definitive viewpoint, especially when the point-of-view is substantiated by images of such beautifully designed rooms. (these images courtesy of Rural Intelligence)

Rule 2 - Bring in Light and Life

Rules 3 & 4 - Curtains should blend and Treasure the threadbare rug

Rules 8 & 9 - Mix the humble with the refined and Distrust new wood

Rule 10 - Nothing is Sacred - Paint it, Strip it, Bleach it!

For Rule 11 (image below) and the other 7 Rules - Head over to the original article, it is a very interesting and informative read. You'll also be rewarded with Faulkner's pick for the perfect French Gray paint color for furniture (you'll be surprised) and his choice for curtain rings (you might even be shocked!)

For more about this talented artist and designer, visit Frank Faulkner's site. Here's a sneak peek at two rooms you'll find there. (these images via Frank Faulkner's site)

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