Tagged - H is for hometown...

I've been tagged by Carolina Eclectic (really enjoy her blog). Since one of the questions is "What is your hometown?" I thought I'd share some pics of where I grew up - Auburn, NY. It's located in the Finger Lakes region of central NY. Check out the link - its heyday was in the 1800's. (Picture to the left is of the Case Mansion - Theodore Case developed sound film)

Home of William H. Seward, aka the wise man who persuaded Abraham Lincoln to purchase Alaska. It is now an amazing museum you can visit.
The Willard Chapel is an extremely rare example of the work of Louis C. Tiffany and Tiffany Glass and Decoration Co. in that it is the only complete and unaltered Tiffany chapel known to exist.
"A beautiful landscape window by Louis Comfort Tiffany graces the sanctuary of the Westminster Presbyterian Church in Auburn, NY. Created in 1910 during a high point in Tiffany's ecclesiastical commissions, the Rainbow Window is a prime example of Tiffany's landscape windows, rare among religious commissions and considered his supreme achievements in stained glass."
67 South Street - South Street is a historic street that in the 1800's was known as "Millionaire's Row". I only know this because my doctor's husband did his Ph.D. thesis on the topic!
70 South Street
Harriet Tubman home - click here for a site map of Auburn safe houses that were part of the Underground Railroad
Hoopes Park - in the winter it becomes an outdoor skating park
Emerson Park at Owasco Lake (Bill and Hillary Clinton made the next lake over, Skaneateles, an even more desirable destination after their visit in 1998)
The Public Library - an absolutely amazing building with glass floors in one section to allow the light to pass through. Notice the snow - it's like that 4+ months a year

Images via Tour Auburn NY

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