Wood Sinks...

In addition to contemplating a concrete counter/sink for our eventual master bath redo, I've been thinking about wood sinks. At first thought - water + wood - how can that be a good match? Well, check out the beauty of these sinks and then scroll down for some information on why they may make a good pairing after all...
Aura walnut sink

Aura wood sink

Aura walnut integrated basin

Aura butternut sink

Aura sink

William Garvey teak sink

William Garvey integrated sink

William Garvey sink

Aura, a Canadian firm, was the first company I came across that crafts custom wood sinks. As noted on Aura's site, "AURA custom wood sinks are made from solid wood and can be crafted in virtually any size, shape or design, from a wide range of wood species. All the sinks are sealed in a clear protective finish to preserve the wood's natural beauty. This hard protective finish creates an impenetrable barrier which prevents water and moisture from penetrating the sink."
The English bespoke furniture maker, William Garvey, also makes wood sinks. As noted on their web site, "The Garvey company made their first sink in 1978, for a local client who wanted to transform the chore of washing up into a pleasure. In the early days the sinks and baths were made from natural teak with no additional finishing. Teak is chosen because of its natural waterproofing properties – it has been used for hundreds of years in the marine industry for this reason – teak also has natural antiseptic properties, which is a bonus for its use in baths and sinks. Now their sinks are virtually maintenance-free as their TeakSeal™ finish is incorporated into the teak itself providing a tough, easy-to-clean product that will stand the test of time. Their first sink is still in use to this day, and the owners love it so much that they took it with them when they moved."

hmm...a wood sink could be a definite possibility. I'm looking for something different but I also don't want to be too impractical. Any thoughts?

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