Wearing the sea...from Turkey

Browsing on Etsy, I came upon Star of the East, and was so enamored with this mother & daughter team's original pieces. I was also taken by her profile -some selected excerpts from it are below:

"Jewelry making for me started in a rough way some fifteen years ago. I had an accident at the building site (I am a civil engineer) that left me incapacitated and unable to do that kind of work any longer. After a long convalescence I decided to move from the Netherlands with my then adolescent daughter, Estella, to Turkey, a favorite holiday spot for us. The climate was more favorable for my injuries...My physical mobility improved greatly, and the beauty of the country, the colors, the traditions, and even the smells are a daily source of inspiration.

Women (and men) always feel a need to embellish themselves. Jewelry helps women to feel good, to look good, and yes, to heal themselves..."

p.s. they ship anywhere in the world for free

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